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Transitional third places (TLT): SSE organizations for another "to come"!

In the first half of 2024, two symposiums on Third-Places took place in quick succession. The first was held at Grenoble Alpes University on March 14, 2024. It addressed the question: "Productive third places, revealing a new local economic model?". The second took place at Sciences Po Rennes from April 02 to 04, 2024. It focused on "Third places and solidarity policies: opportunities and weaknesses of new spaces for social action". Synthesizing the two, the result is that we are in the presence of "new spaces for social action (...) revealing a new local economic model". Where there is "novelty", the possible translation is that of "rupture", "profound change" or "bifurcation" relative to a previous state. The concept of "transition" towards another societal model on a territorial scale therefore seems to be the obvious one. But is it really appropriate to speak of "transitional third places" (TLT)?

Pascal Glemain

Pascal Glemain

Ph-D and Lecturer in Management of Social Economy Organizations

Université Rennes 2, UMR6590-CNRS, ESO-Rennes

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